나투라타 비트 설탕 500g

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비트 설탕
 상품코드 610514
 3.79  ( 5,574)
 제조사/원산지 Naturata
 구매 수량 + -
총 상품금액
   ( 5,574)
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나투라타 데메라라 사탕수수 설탕 500g

Naturata Demerara Rohrohzucker 500g

정제되지 않은 설탕입니다.

비트즙을 정화하여 증발시켜 시럽을 만든 후 굳혀 설탕의 형태로 만듭니다.

페이스트리를 만들거나, 단 맛의 음식과 음료를 만들 때 사용하기에 적합합니다.


Naturata beet sugar, sugar beet from German agriculture, semi-white sugar (no raffinade).


In the production of the beet sugar, the organic sugar beet is first washed, 
comminuted and boiled. The beet juice is purified and evaporated to syrup. 
Some sugar crystals added ensure that the sugar crystallizes out in the concentrate. 
The molasses is then removed by means of centrifuges. In contrast to cane
molasses, this has an unpleasant and too intense taste, so it must be completely 
removed - so the beet sugar is also white. However, substances such as vitamins
and minerals are also separated with the molasses. Nevertheless, the beet sugar
is only a "semi-white sugar", so no raffinade. It would be refined sugar (sugar
of the highest purity)


Naturata Beet sugar is very fine and light, making it particularly suitable for 
fine pastries as well as for sweetening food and beverages of all kinds.


There is no refinement.


Beet sugar *
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