나투라타 아틀란틱 굵은바다소금 500g

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아틀란틱 굵은바다소금
 상품코드 30566
 4.19  ( 6,348)
 제조사/원산지 Naturata
 구매 수량 + -
총 상품금액
   ( 6,348)
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나투라타 아틀란틱 굵은바다소금 500g

Naturata Meersalz Atlantik grob 500g

포르투갈 방면 대서양에서 온 소금입니다.

전통적인 수공법으로 만들어졌습니다.



The classic among the salts. Coarse-grained sea salt - won on the Portuguese
Atlantic coast. Suitable for the salt mills.


Atlantic sea salt
This list of ingredients corresponds to a full declaration in the sense of the 
guidelines of the Federal Association Natural and Natural Products.
This product contains no artificial flavoring. (BNN classification: 0)


The sea salt comes from a region in the east of the Algarve (Portugal). It is still
traditional and handcrafted: the seawater is introduced into clay-pounded basins
near the coast and evaporates there due to the sun's influence. With the help of 
sieves it is cleaned of stones and impurities, ground to the corresponding salt 
crystal size and filled without further processing steps.


Versatile as a spice of food of any kind to use


It is not refined or bleached and so remains particularly natural. Due to a high
degree of drying, the flowability is maintained and the salt does not clump, so 
that anti-float agents and flow aids are not used. Sea salt is not an agricultural
product and is therefore not regulated within the EC organic regulation. Sea salt
is therefore not available in organic quality.
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